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Sleep Baby Expert is a consultancy created to guide and coach parents on the journey of sleep, creating an enjoyable lifestyle while raising children. Good sleep is equal to a happy family.


Sleep News, Tips, discounts and trends.

Tips to Sleep a Baby is what we are all about, in this section, you will find many topics, subjects, scenarios all based in a Sleep Coach experience working on every day’s consultations and queries from families around the world. If you can not find the specific topic we invite you to contact us and ask us about it. We also have many videos on our Youtube channel. We also have a mailing list if you wish to be in contact with us. Sleeping a Baby is easier than you expected when you have the right techniques.

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Dad at Bed Time👨

Liliana Amaro

From experience, I know that most of the families that have children for the first time go through this (Of course there are exceptions and I know them well) anyway it never hurts to read these tips that are super valuable for the Man of the house to participate hands-on bedtime.
If you are an advocate of Attachment Parenting, you know that they recommend the Balance and with this it refers to EVERYTHING among some important points, caring for baby, caring for the partner, self-care. So in this, it is super important to achieve balance and share responsibilities and not because dad goes to work all day the care of the baby must be exclusive to the mother.Let me begin:

  1. Breastfeeding is an exclusive activity of the mother but the father can participate in this, helping the mother by carrying the baby, changing the diaper before or after being breastfed and putting him to sleep.

  2. When a mother is extremely exhausted, an essential recommendation is the use of a breast pump so the father can administer the milk during the night that way the mother can sleep more. It is notorious that the mother will have excess milk but an hour or two more of continuous sleep will make a difference! (If you don't know what to do but are interested, contact me ) . If the baby is formula-fed then there is not any excuses.

  3. My GOLDEN tip is to take turns at night to put the little ones to bed, that means freedom to sleep early, take a bath, read, relax or why not watch a movie!

  4. Do not criticize or point out what your partner is doing, this can result in a lack of security and disinterest since everything that Dad does is wrong. Be Careful this always happens when we are overtired and in a bad mood. Dad has another way of being and we must give him the opportunity.

  5. Worry about the bonding between the father and the children, integrating them into activities and especially in the Bedtime Routine generate an incomparable bond, trust and security. (I remember that my dad told me stories every night and I loved it) It also serves as a relaxing time for everyone and "free" time for mom.


The Pros and Cons of giving a Baby a Pacifier.

Liliana Amaro

A very frequent question is to know if the Pacifier is Good or Bad for the baby to Sleep with.


The definition of Pacifier is Artificial nipple made of plastic that serves to calm the baby by triggering the action of sucking.


  1. Prevents SIDS. Due to the constant suction of the baby the respiratory system keeps working at 100%.

  2. It helps to prevent the baby/child from crying for no reason for a long time, keeping them quiet and peaceful.

  3. It helps the baby/child fall asleep. Since it is a natural reflex it helps the self-soothing.

  4. It is very cute to see a baby/child with your pacifier, many mothers enjoy collecting them.


  1. Prevents a baby from entering a deep state of sleep. Due to the constant action of sucking each that stops (because he is falling asleep) and the baby feels that the pacifier falls off he wakes up.

  2. If using a pacifier becomes a dependency for the baby/child and will need it all the time, including each time it falls off at night. This is when he begins to wake up every hour and if he is small he will cry so that you go to give him it.

  3. Dentists say that it is bad, it distorts teeth and causes speech problems, however, they cannot verify why some people have perfect teeth when they are adults. (I'm an example, used a pacifier until I was about 7 years old and I do not have any speech problems, deformation of the teeth or palate).

  4. If your baby uses a pacifier you won't know how to stop it and it will take you long to decide.

Advice on the Pacifier:

Decide for yourself if you want your baby to use a pacifier or not, do not be influenced by other people, the pacifier is not necessary, but it will make your life easier by entertaining your baby.


Liliana Amaro

Hello! Surely it has crossed your mind "Is my child  having night terrors?" This when your child suddenly wakes up and screams, when he wakes up crying desperately and especially when they still do not speak it is very difficult to decipher it. People who have never experienced or heard the term can not even know what a Night Terror is about.

This is the definition: Night terror, also known as sleep terror, is a sleep disorder, causing feelings of terror or dread, and typically occurs during the first hours of stage 3–4 non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep.[1] Sleep terrors begin in children between the ages of 3 and 12, and usually, stop during adolescence.

Here 6 normal behaviours that discard the night terrors.

  1. When your baby wakes up, stand up and calls you, crying or screaming for you.

  2. When your child gets out of bed and comes to your bed during the night, saying he is afraid.

  3. When your child calls you from his room because he has a nightmare or is afraid of the monster that is "over there"

  4. When your child/baby does not want to lie down in bed alone and wants your company.

  5. When your child /baby screams loudly once and goes back to sleep.

  6. When your baby wakes up during the night and does not go back to sleep fast. 

As you see this list of behaviours are "normal in infants and young children" what you have to do in this case is to introduce good habits at bedtime. Contact me for your initial advice WhatsApp +61409622424 (Put your name and city in your message).


Liliana Amaro

The Following three tips are perfect to know if now is the right time to swap your baby’s cot for a little bed, you will find how and when is this change ideal, every week mother around the world ask me this question.

1. If you baby is younger than 3 years of age, it is recommendable to keep it in a cot, and you may wonder why, this is because him/her has not 100% perception of the space and place while sleeping. You can evaluate this by observing your child whether he/her still rolling all over or waking up in the opposite direction. I can warranty you that by the age of try a kid is more likely to enjoy a single bed.

2. If your child is sleeping all night without waking then is a good time to make this transition. If your kid is still waking through the night and you think this change will be the fix, you may be lucky and it is possible that happens but by my experience as sleep consultant the cases of this being a fix to sleeping problems are rare.

3. Take ownership of the new bed! Before you make the change of the cot to a bed, make sure your child fully recognizes and knows the new sleeping place like “hi/her bed”. Speak about the change and make it memorable for them.

Videos by Liliana Amaro Sleep Coach

Liliana Amaro

Some interesting videos for you-Click on the image and watch.