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Sleep Baby Expert is a consultancy created to guide and coach parents on the journey of sleep, creating an enjoyable lifestyle while raising children. Good sleep is equal to a happy family.


Sleep News, Tips, discounts and trends.

Tips to Sleep a Baby is what we are all about, in this section, you will find many topics, subjects, scenarios all based in a Sleep Coach experience working on every day’s consultations and queries from families around the world. If you can not find the specific topic we invite you to contact us and ask us about it. We also have many videos on our Youtube channel. We also have a mailing list if you wish to be in contact with us. Sleeping a Baby is easier than you expected when you have the right techniques.

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10 Signs I Can Recognize When My Baby Is Sleepy

Liliana Amaro

Identifying the signs of a sleepy baby sounds easy, but for many new parents it is something very distant and believe it many do not know how to identify when the baby is sleepy that is why putting the baby to naps or sleep at night seems impossible.

Liliana Amaro Child Sleep Coach shares this list that has been compiled during the years of work helping families sleep.


1.     Yawns: Very common just when they are ready to sleep this signal is presented if you could lie the baby right after the first yawn it would be ideal.


2.     Red eyes: When a baby is tired and ready to sleep, the eyes usually become watery and red, a sign that they are ready to close and rest.


3.     Constant blinking: Like the previous signal, blinking constantly means that the eyes are ready to close and almost involuntarily the blinks fall and fall, but the baby tries to open them, it is when they say that he resists sleeping, help him by placing him in a dark environment so that they do not open anymore.


4.     Crying for no reason: It is when the baby can no longer with fatigue, wants to sleep, but cannot do it, the nervous system is altered and over tiredness makes it cost more work for the baby to fall asleep. This is a strong signal and indication that you should try to put him to sleep before it is later.


5.     Touching the eyes: this signal is accompanied by the other signs related to the eyes and it is normal that when blinking and having red eyes the child touches them without stopping


6.     Lack of concentration: A sign that you cannot doubt when you try to entertain a baby and completely ignores you.



7.     Lack of appetite: When you want to feed him and the child does not even open his mouth, he goes back or refuses to eat, he can end up in tears. It's better to stop and try to put him to sleep


8.     It refuses to bathe: Nobody wants to be wet when they just want to sleep, normally the baby will cry and we think he does not like to bathe, but it is not so, most babies enjoy being bathed, but at the right time, bathing an extremely tired baby is a very bad idea. If you spend the time of your bath, it is better to skip it.


9.     They lie on your shoulder: A lovely sign, when the baby lies on your shoulders when carrying it or constantly puts the little head on its side anywhere it can, it is better to take it to bed. This sign occurs in still babies


10.  Hyperactivity!  The most common is and the most mentioned by parents "my child has a lot of energy before sleeping" is when the window of opportunity to put him to sleep is gone and the baby enters a new phase of energy. It is difficult to put a baby at this stage, it is usually recommended to let 30-45 mins pass before trying again and trying in a quiet environment.


Good Luck!

Children, electronic devices and sleep

Liliana Amaro

When we Adults are busy and need time; then suddenly we remember those wonderful inventions: the iPad, the tablet, the phone, the television, the video games, and we believe that we could not survive these days without them. But I invite you to think about our parents a generation that grew up very well without these electronic devices. The human being is adaptable, and it is extremely easy to adapt to comfort, but we are also tricky, and we get used to the comfort and ease that we have at our fingertips.

Nowadays due to this "pandemic" children are spending more time in front of this technology since we find that they can learn from dance classes to academic classes even being isolated we can also feel accompanied and perhaps not lose that study so valuable but in addition to studying we are also taking the "breaks" in front of an electronic device, apparently we believe that nothing will happen because it is like "if they are going to school" or to their "dance class" but unfortunately it is not so, all electronic devices emit blue light that increases macular degeneration related to vision, this light penetrates the retina, which also has a connection with the brain and prevents the production of the sleep hormone from starting.

Baby and Ipad


It is usually recommended that any technology be used limited by children under the age of five, preferably not to use it. But children are not the problem is the adults who are already enslaved to use them as a tool of our daily lives.


Liliana Amaro recommends to any family that wants to start sleeping better and with an ideal routine eliminate the use of electronic devices during the afternoons if it is not possible at least one hour before going to sleep. We know that many families put movies before bed even Liliana Amaro remembers that her best friend had to sleep with the television on because the screen end of programming if that of colored stripes and the gray sound was what made her friend sleep better (this noise is similar to the one that the white noise machines make). It sounds unbelievable but these habits exist in many families and of course create unhealthy habits. That friend was always late to school because she always woke up too late, also she never concludes her studies and even now she sleeps late at night and her day begins around 11-12 pm.


Health is in these times is particularly important and good habits at bedtime influence a lot in behavior and physical regeneration as adults we should try to spend more time with our children than make them to look at screens.

When a child has trouble going to bed, wakes up at night, has nightmares and spends a lot of time in front of an electronic device it is easy to diagnose.


Liliana Amaro

The Following three tips are perfect to know if now is the right time to swap your baby’s cot for a little bed, you will find how and when is this change ideal, every week mother around the world ask me this question.

1. If you baby is younger than 3 years of age, it is recommendable to keep it in a cot, and you may wonder why, this is because him/her has not 100% perception of the space and place while sleeping. You can evaluate this by observing your child whether he/her still rolling all over or waking up in the opposite direction. I can warranty you that by the age of try a kid is more likely to enjoy a single bed.

2. If your child is sleeping all night without waking then is a good time to make this transition. If your kid is still waking through the night and you think this change will be the fix, you may be lucky and it is possible that happens but by my experience as sleep consultant the cases of this being a fix to sleeping problems are rare.

3. Take ownership of the new bed! Before you make the change of the cot to a bed, make sure your child fully recognizes and knows the new sleeping place like “hi/her bed”. Speak about the change and make it memorable for them.

Day Light Saving = An Early Riser Child

Liliana Amaro


For many parents with young children, this likely means waking up calls as their children rise with the sun. Yes I’m afraid to say that my experience every year I get to work with many families going through this phase of early wakings.

Happens to Everyone!

Last week going to the Gym around 5:30 am I got surprised on the side of my driveway by a Dad carrying his baby.

Early walks with baby

Early walks with baby

Two Suggestions!

This is an effect that we Australians experience as the sun rises very early! Yes before 5:00 am and of course the young children with general good sleep habits are very set to the circadian rhythms dictated by the day and night. So if you wonder what can be done to avoid this? I have couple of suggestions to try:


1.Is go to bed early and follow the circadian rhythms: this means go to bed as soon is getting dark and rise with the sun, plenty of things to do like a fresh walk, enjoy a coffee. This advice is the most recommendable as you will get a lot of sleep and also you will be ready when your child is up and running.
2.Make the room of your child very very dark and I don’t allow to say is not possible! Everything is possible if you want to do it: you can get dark and thick curtains (blackouts), get a piece of dark fabric, dark paper anyway If you wish to rest for longer you can find the way.

Let's Get Started

Happy to help.

It is important to mention that this suggestions will work when the child is a good sleeper with no recurrent problems at night, when this early wakings are like the top of the cherry then you should be looking in to fix the core and root of the problem in order to achieve more hours sleep independently of the waking up time.
You are not convince on what to do and need more sleep in the mornings?
Contact me by email: Or
phone/text : +61 0409622424
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