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Liliana Amaro
The Following three tips are perfect to know if now is the right time to swap your baby’s cot for a little bed, you will find how and when is this change ideal, every week mother around the world ask me this question.
1. If you baby is younger than 3 years of age, it is recommendable to keep it in a cot, and you may wonder why, this is because him/her has not 100% perception of the space and place while sleeping. You can evaluate this by observing your child whether he/her still rolling all over or waking up in the opposite direction. I can warranty you that by the age of try a kid is more likely to enjoy a single bed.
2. If your child is sleeping all night without waking then is a good time to make this transition. If your kid is still waking through the night and you think this change will be the fix, you may be lucky and it is possible that happens but by my experience as sleep consultant the cases of this being a fix to sleeping problems are rare.
3. Take ownership of the new bed! Before you make the change of the cot to a bed, make sure your child fully recognizes and knows the new sleeping place like “hi/her bed”. Speak about the change and make it memorable for them.