Sleep News, Tips, discounts and trends.
Tips to Sleep a Baby is what we are all about, in this section, you will find many topics, subjects, scenarios all based in a Sleep Coach experience working on every day’s consultations and queries from families around the world. If you can not find the specific topic we invite you to contact us and ask us about it. We also have many videos on our Youtube channel. We also have a mailing list if you wish to be in contact with us. Sleeping a Baby is easier than you expected when you have the right techniques.
Filtering by Category: Newbornadvice
Events by Zzleep my baby
Liliana Amaro
Zzleep my baby has a continuous events: Stay tuned!
24 Hours time line to create a Sleep Routine
Liliana Amaro
In this basic time line you can learn the best and recommended times for your child to have a nap, eat and go to bed . This time line will be changing as your child grows and the naps suddenly will be reduce until they end n just one NAP at mid day (around 12-15 months).
Also bare in mind that the newborns have feeding times during the night, but essentially by 6 months you want to achieve a routine similar to this time line.
Time Line for a 24 hr Routine
Direct Approach: “Crying out Method”
Liliana Amaro
Direct Approach: “Crying out Method"
They majority of mums have a fear of sleep training with the help of a Sleep consultant, they fear the crying out method. This method is NOT used by Zzleep my baby, however I will explain the science behind it.
In the Sleep Consultant circle this method is known by the “extinction” and is based on Ignoring the cry or call of your baby this is the most difficult for parents and especially for the mum if she still breast feeding, as she won’t know with certainty if the baby is hungry.
When this method is applied the crying in a baby will increase, and if is the technique chosen by the family is necessary to have an action plan and routine in place for the consistency and effectiveness.
Surveys have demonstrated that lots of families still using this approach due to advise by other parents or as the last resort, especially when they don’t know about the existence of the professionals in the field, Zzleep my baby can help you with gentle techniques for the baby and the mother.
Liliana Amaro-Sleep consultant.
Sleep Tips for Infants
Liliana Amaro
- Establish a regular sleep time for your baby.
- Create a consistent, enjoyable and short bed routine.
- Avoid feeding your baby to sleep. If necessary feed him earlier.
- Put your baby to bed drowsy but awake, this will encourage him to fall asleep independently. A baby that can self-soothe to sleep at bed time, will be able to do it at any time during the night.
Mus that follow routines will be able to enjoy a more predictable and balanced life style.