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Filtering by Category: travel
Liliana Amaro
The following list & tips are for travelling with kids under 5 years of age
If you are travelling overseas on a flight longer than 6 hours this list & tips can be useful for you.
If you have a breastfeeding baby, this is the best time for you to travel as the baby only needs you and if they are a good sleeper, you won’t have any issues especially if your flight is overnight. I do recommend to sleep train your baby at least 4 weeks before travelling. (www.zzleepmybaby.com)
Travelling with a baby that is less than 1 year old is highly recommended, more if they are not crawling yet as they are more likely to sleep most of the trip, some airlines offer a bassinette, make sure you book it or ring the airline to make sure you get one.
If you have a toddler that is 2+ years of age, they are more likely to have their own seat on the plane, so this trip will be more pleasant for you. You will need to pay for a ticket, though.
If you have a toddler age between 1-2years this is when I will suggest avoiding long trips. It is more likely that you don’t get a bassinette as there is a weight and length restriction, also if they are travelling free you won’t get a seat for them, so you will be ready to have them on your lap. Many airlines don’t allow anyone to sleep on the floor of the plane so please don’t see this as an option. This age is the most difficult as your child will be mobile, heavy and noisy. If you are lucky and it’s not a busy flight, you may get an extra seat.
Prams are allowed and welcome all the way to the gate, they need to be tagged at the check in but let me warn you that they are treated very bad and thrown around so don’t be surprised if it is broken or scratched.
When travelling with kids, packing can be a challenge especially if there is a difference in the weather, I recommend to make a list and pack with a lot of anticipation (1 week).
Note: some airlines have nappies, baby food and toys, some don’t announce it but they are prepared.
Packing-on board
☐ Napies-1 per every 2hrs of travel
☐ 2 Full changes of clothes
☐ 2 Burping cloths if breastfeeding
☐ Powder milk or formula in an air tight container to shake. I recommend Tupperware sippy cups.
☐ Wet Wipes (40).
☐ Tissues.
☐ Disinfectant
☐ If you are using a bassinette I recommend something to cover the face of the baby from the light of the screens.
☐ A set of headphones for a child as the aeroplanes ones are more likely to not fit properly.
☐ A good travel pillow is highly recommended for toddlers, can also be used for breastfeeding support.
Changing nappies on board is easy!!
☐ Have a changing pack: small bag with nappies, rash cream, tissue, 1 or 2 nappies, wet wipes, changing mat is good too
☐ There is usually toilets with changing table - it is big enough so don’t panic
☐ Don’t stress and just think is like any other changing table
☐ Hold baby with one hand if you feel a turbulence and hold yourself.
☐ If you are travelling at night time, you won’t need many changes
☐ Ask for a window seat for the toddler, this will allow him/her to have a rest on the side rather than on you.
☐ If you are on a long flight you can select your seats and definitely recommend the side ones.
☐ If you are travelling overnight, don’t worry about the toilet trips because if your baby sleeps well your Baby won’t need many changes and if you are alone and your toddler is sleep just call the air attendant and they will watch your toddler for you.
☐ Get some treats for your toddler and reward the good behaviour.
☐ Make sure your toddler has a nap the day that you are travelling as unexpected delays can keep you at the airport gate longer than expected if your baby sleeps well you won’t have any issues as she/he is more likely to be asleep most of the time.
Now enjoy your trip and your experience!
Liliana Amaro