Terms & Conditions
Clear communication and responsibilities with our clients are important, all the information you need to know in regards to our Sleep Coaching Services are here.
Exclusion/Limitation of Liability.
Sleep Baby Expert does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the sleep consultation services provided. Sleep Baby Expert’s liability (if any) is limited to the consulting fee paid by you to Sleep Baby Expert, and in no event will Sleep Baby Expert be liable to you for any other claim, losses, or damages.
Terms and Conditions -Sleep Services
Sleep Baby Expert’s services are not a form of medical advice. Our consultations are provided as guidance only and they are intended for use within commonly occurring, early childhood sleep issues that are unrelated to medical conditions. Sleep Baby Expert’s advice is NOT intended to be a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or another qualified health practitioner regarding any matters that may require medical attention or diagnosis, and before following the advice and using the techniques described in The Sleep Program by Liliana Amaro, reliance on any information provided by Sleep Baby Expert is solely at your own risk.
Appointments can be made via email, phone or even Facebook Messenger.
The purchase of a sleep service must be strictly made through our website. Credit card or PayPal makes payments.
Once you have pay and book a service you have strictly one month to make use of it, if you are not able due to unforced circumstances, you are in the obligation of notify Sleep Baby Expert and give a date of commencement. Liliana Amaro then will book you for the next date available.
About the Follow-up support:
Babies and children under 5 changes rapidly, habits, developmental stages, manners, times, routines and schedules so the following rules apply for follow-up support.
The Follow-up support per 1-2 weeks begins once the family receives the written plan and/or after having the Skype Consultation.
Follow-up support is not to be reclaimed after 1-2 weeks from the date of receiving the written plan.
If you are NOT to use the follow-up support, make sure you purchase the correct service.
During the 2 weeks of your follow-up support, you can text me any updates and questions, and Liliana will get back to you as soon as possible. If I do not hear from you that day, I will check in with you twice during the 2 weeks. If I don’t receive a reply, I will assume that everything is GREAT and that you don’t really need any further assistance.
If follow-up support is not used, there is no refundable fee.
About the Routines:
Routines are just valid for the time the Sleep Plan is written, when there is a delay in commencement a Revision of the routine will be recommended and will be an extra cost.
Terms and Conditions – Classes
At Sleep Baby Expert we aim to provide a safe environment. However, in the class parents and carers are responsible for the safety of their little ones.
The baby massage class is for parents of infants aged from birth to 12 months. It is not a therapy, a treatment, or a cure for any specific condition or illness.
The activities in the course are not a form of medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should seek qualified medical assistance for any physical or mental ailment you or your child have.
The instructor providing the course does not diagnose,prescribe,e or treat any physical or mental illness. Nor do they provide parenting advice. Nothing said during the classes should be construed as such.
All activities shown in the course are optional. You should not have to do anything that you or your baby is uncomfortable with, and you can sit out any activities you don’t want to do.
Your details will not be shared with any other person unless agreed by you.
The responsibility of the instructor is to teach, revise and check massage strokes done by the parents & carers to a baby while in the class and finishes once the baby, parents & careers leave the premises.
By participating in this course:
You agree that you have either consulted your child’s doctor prior to participation OR that you are participating in the class by your own choice and at your own risk.
You agree to indemnify the Instructor and the International Association of Infant Massage Australia and agree to be responsible for seeking professional advice for yourself and your child for any concern you have.
You agree that it is your responsibility to provide a safe and comfortable massage to the baby at any time.
Payments & Refunds
No place is fully guaranteed unless a deposit or full payment of the term fees is made.
Any refund for classes (services) is discretionary. Once classes have started it is not normal to offer any refund.
Sleep Baby Expert forbids the right to reproduce any part of our lessons in any form (e.g. on the internet, DVDs, photographs etc)
Sleep Baby Expert is under no obligation to refund your money in the event that you are unable to attend part of or the entire course. If you miss a class, no refund can be given but possible, we will offer you a makeup class upon request.
If a class is cancelled by Sleep Baby Expert a suitable alternative will be provided and if this is not possible then a refund for the missed class will be given.
If you need to change/attend a different class we will do our best to accommodate you, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee this.
Except in exceptional circumstances (which Sleep Baby Expert will determine at its sole discretion) we regret that, once the course has started, we cannot issue any refunds or credits.
Sleep Baby Expert is unable to offer a refund in the event of adverse conditions such as severe weather which prevent you from attending your normal class if it is running.
Courses occasionally have to be canceled because we’ve had too few bookings. We do all that we can to avoid this, but it’s not possible to run a course if only a few people have applied. If the number of bookings is too low, we’ll wait for some time after the usual closing date before canceling the course, in case people book late. You will be informed as soon as possible if the course is canceled. A rescheduled date will be offered, if such a date is unacceptable and if no other date can be agreed upon, then you will be entitled to a refund of the course fees paid but not otherwise.
Personal Data & Media
Should you wish to take photos or videos of your child in class you must get the permission of all other parents of children involved. Photographs or small videos taken at class must be for personal use only unless you get written consent from Sleep Baby Expert and the parents involved. Full-length videos are not permitted under any circumstances. Sleep Baby Expert Families are invited to join the secret FB page where photographs may be the child’s parent gives permission child’s parent, in writing, no photographs that are not of you may be downloaded at any time.
Sleep Baby Expert forbids the right to reproduce any part of our lessons in any form (e.g. on the internet, DVDs, photographs etc).
Sleep Baby Expert cannot accept any responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal possessions during or after our classes.
In Sleep Baby Expert we treat everyone fairly and equally.
If you or your baby suffer from a medical condition that you feel we need to know about, please tell us and this will be noted and treated confidentially.
If your child has a contagious medical condition, please don’t bring them to class during the contagious period. Eg, please don’t bring your child to classes if they have sickness, diarrhea, chicken pox, impetigo, or conjunctivitis. Please follow your doctor’s advice and get the all-clear before returning to classes. If your child has had sickness and diarrhea, they must be clear of all symptoms for at least 48 hours before coming to a lesson.
Your commitment
By placing an order for goods and/or services through the website you warrant that you are legally capable of entering a contractual relationship with Sleep Baby Expert.
All orders for services and booking classes for babies/children represent a contractual relationship between the purchaser and Sleep Baby Expert. All payment for services will be made directly to by Sleep Baby Expert
All orders for goods, e.g. merchandise, represent a contractual relationship between the purchaser and Sleep Baby Expert my baby will confirm acceptance electronically. All payment for goods will be made directly to Sleep Baby Expert
Prices and payment
The price for any goods or services will be as quoted on our website. All prices for goods are subject to GST. All orders for services are subject to GST if applicable. On confirming a purchase, you are also confirming acceptance of the delivery charge which is quoted at the shopping trolley checkout.
Please note that all charges are quoted in Australian Dollar. All charges are made via secure payment mechanisms either Pay pal or Credit card. Payment is taken prior to the service being given or the order being dispatched.
Delivery of goods
All merchandise ordered via our website that we have in stock will be delivered to the specified delivery address within ten working days of payment being taken. The merchandise offered on our website is available and every effort will be made to check its availability prior to accepting and acknowledging the order.
When this is not possible or for whatever reason the product is not available, Sleep Baby Expert will either refund any payment taken in full within seven days of establishing that the product is not available or advise when the product is likely to be back in stock. In this case, the purchaser has the option to accept the revised delivery schedule or request a refund of payment.
Personal data
Sleep Baby Expert adheres to the latest Data Protection Policy. We will not use any information you give us in any way what so-over. We do not compile information on any form of electronic database. Your data will not be sold on or shared with any third parties.
Gift Certificates
Gift certificates are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash under any circumstances.
Gift Certificates can only be redeemed by the individual gift certificate holder; however, they may be redeemed over multiple appointments. Gift certificates are subject to the cancellation or rescheduling policy.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Liliana Amaro-Sleep Baby Expert & Zzleep my baby