Zzleep My Baby – Brisbane’s favourite sleep consultant for you and your baby
Zzleep My Baby offers a range of sleep consultation services, some of them over the phone, via email or face-to-face, depending on your exact requirements and the severity of your sleep situation.
Here you can find a list of our reputable and highly effective consultations, with details as to what each service entails. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by calling 0409 622 424 or by e-mailing us
New!! Baby Massage Classes
Sleep time-Home visit
Sleep time-Home visit
A hands-on consultation over the course of half a night (generally 6pm-11:00pm)
This service is available to anyone in Australia and is offered in both English and Spanish. This consultation provides extensive coaching through personal support and encouragement to guide you through the necessary steps to establish an effective sleeping routine for your baby and for yourselves. We systematically go through a series of techniques, demonstrating them as we go, so that you can see for yourself how everything is done. This service also includes 4 follow up calls via Skype or phone, which is aimed at providing further assistance if necessary, with additional guidance and techniques to support you and your baby’s sleep.
Half night parental coaching (6pm- 11:00pm)
-Personal coaching on what to do while the sleep situation occurs during the visit.
-Nursery design advice for better sleep.
-Partnering up as a new strategy guide and advice.
-1.30hrs Family consultation
-Questionnaire to be filled in by parents to investigate about your child’s sleep
-Analysis of current Sleep routine
-Analysis of current Nap frequency and routine
-Identification of props and habits
-New Sleep Plan to follow- 24 hrs
-Method/strategy to be followed while the sleep plan is implemented
-Nap Advice
-Tips and Strategies to implement
-4 follow-up calls while sleep plan is implemented
-Summary of your success and strategies to be refined
The length of the program will be determined by the Sleep consultant depending on the results of the questionnaire and current routines. (Min 2 weeks)