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Sleep Baby Expert is a consultancy created to guide and coach parents on the journey of sleep, creating an enjoyable lifestyle while raising children. Good sleep is equal to a happy family.

24hr Personalized Routine for your Baby


Zzleep My Baby – Brisbane’s favourite sleep consultant for you and your baby

Zzleep My Baby offers a range of sleep consultation services, some of them over the phone, via email or face-to-face, depending on your exact requirements and the severity of your sleep situation.

Here you can find a list of our reputable and highly effective consultations, with details as to what each service entails. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by calling 0409 622 424 or by e-mailing us

New!! Baby Massage Classes

24hr Personalized Routine for your Baby

sleep routine
sleep routine

24hr Personalized Routine for your Baby


Get  a Personalized Routine for your baby for 24hrs, from the waking up time to bed time and through the night.

This will help when you feel unorganized and lost in time while caring for your little one.


  • Routine tailored with the appropriate times for the age of your baby
  • Set times for Naps and bed.
  • Advice on times for feedings and activities.

The benefits of a Routine are wonderful, when you follow a routine you will have a more organised day, you will be able to plan you and your baby’s activities.

Note: This service doesn’t include coaching on the implementation of the routine, if you required Support or advice an additional  service is recommended.

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Download the questionnaire to begin with the analysis of the current situation.

Send your answers to

Receive the personalised Routine for your baby and the follow-up instructions.

*Once the questionnaire is answered we will send you the graduation package via air mail.

Don’t forget to put your postal address and Birthday of your baby