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Sleep Baby Expert is a consultancy created to guide and coach parents on the journey of sleep, creating an enjoyable lifestyle while raising children. Good sleep is equal to a happy family.

Manners for Kids


Zzleep My Baby – Brisbane’s favourite sleep consultant for you and your baby

Zzleep My Baby offers a range of sleep consultation services, some of them over the phone, via email or face-to-face, depending on your exact requirements and the severity of your sleep situation.

Here you can find a list of our reputable and highly effective consultations, with details as to what each service entails. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by calling 0409 622 424 or by e-mailing us

New!! Baby Massage Classes

Manners for Kids


Manners for Kids


Toilet Time Book for Boy

If you need some help introducing Good Manners to you kid, here is this great book. Includes Reward chart.


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