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Sleep Baby Expert is a consultancy created to guide and coach parents on the journey of sleep, creating an enjoyable lifestyle while raising children. Good sleep is equal to a happy family.


Sleep News, Tips, discounts and trends.

Tips to Sleep a Baby is what we are all about, in this section, you will find many topics, subjects, scenarios all based in a Sleep Coach experience working on every day’s consultations and queries from families around the world. If you can not find the specific topic we invite you to contact us and ask us about it. We also have many videos on our Youtube channel. We also have a mailing list if you wish to be in contact with us. Sleeping a Baby is easier than you expected when you have the right techniques.

Filtering by Tag: #babynotsleeping

What do I do if my baby wakes up at night?

Liliana Amaro


This is one of the favorited themes and we cover daily in Zzleep My Baby, what happens in the night is a different, private and personal story in the families of the world. We know that approximately 8 out of 10 families suffer from trouble sleeping with their little ones, including sleeping with them, continuous awakenings, long and heavy battles to get them to sleep at the right time, in addition to raising this and adding it to the problem it poses for the couple, half of these couples endure these early years of parents, but many unfortunately end up in separation.

Zzleep My Baby wants to give you some recommendations to know what to do when babies wake up at night below a table with tips and averages of waking up by age.
