Is your kid an early riser?
Liliana Amaro
Is your kid an early riser?
It has been proven by any of us that here in Australia many Kids become an early riser as summer days hit this side of the hemisphere and you wonder why this happens. Some regions understand and have accepted and every summer they change the clock to summertime, this helps to make use the daylight more efficiently and if you think it is logic in sense of sleep.
Our bodies follow circadian rhythms and are just logical that when the body receives some sort of light since noise and change of temperature it feels like waking time. This especially for younger kids and babies.
So here are some tips to make easy those early waking times.
· Move bedtime earlier 15-30 minutes
· Make sure the windows or room remains dark as possible in the morning
· Hot? make sure the room is ventilated
· If you hear a call in the morning before a reasonable waking time, wait a few minutes before responding.
· If you have a kid under 3-keep it in the cot-wait the longest possible, he/she may resettle without help (make sure room is dark) If there is a window and they can see daylight is more likely they don’t want to sleep back.
· If you have a kid sleeping in a bed- reward to staying bed until the desired time
· Place a digital clock and teach the number to recognize, so that means is time to get up.
· If still dark and he is waking up, after waiting: go to room explain that is not the time to get up and try to resettle.
· If none of the above work for you-then is time to reinstate a mid-day NAP
If you have any questions or need a hand for any of these situations, please call or email always happy to help.
Liliana Amaro