Sleep Coach specialized in Babies
Liliana Amaro offers counseling and coaching to parents of infants and children that are not sleeping through the night. Our mission is to help overcome sleep deprivation and achieve a healthier lifestyle.
We are a worldwide qualified Baby & Child Sleep Consultant, Lactation Consultant, and Infant Massage Instructor.
I’m here to HELP you!
Once upon a time, I was sleep-deprived, tired, and exhausted like you. I got tired of trying to find reasons and excuses for my baby not to sleep through the night. Now with several years of experience as a mother of three children and practicing as a sleep coach, I help families all around the world to sleep better and enjoy parenthood.
I am here ready to help you.
I work with twins, multiple babies, and children of different ages.
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Working with your family
You don’t need to pay to find out how we can help you. We will happily assess your situation and give you advice on sleep difficulties you may be experiencing with your children. We are here to answer your questions and concerns and will provide advice and set you in the right direction, and let you know if we believe extra help may be needed. Where appropriate, we can create a Sleep Solution Plan
All you need to provide at this stage is your name, phone number, and email address, your baby’s age, health status, weight, and a brief description of the sleep issues.
Our mission is to help you overcome sleep deprivation and let you know that you are not alone!
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Video about our consultations!
About Me: Liliana Amaro
I am Liliana Amaro-Coach Baby, Toddler, and Child Sleep Coach. I would like to be able to offer you my help as you realize that you are a little tired and you are trying to find a way to make your baby sleep easily and/or for longer. A few years ago, when I first became a mom, I was the same as you. Despite being a cautious person, the sleep deprivation took me by surprise and quickly seized me. Inexperienced, I followed advice from other inexperienced people and made the mistake of trying to follow them without understanding the logic of what was going on. Instead of trying to understand my baby and her needs, I focused on schedules that didn’t suit her age or need at the time.
I tried to put my baby to sleep by rocking for many hours, always feeding, and feeding to sleep. At night I would walk with her, dance, put her in a hammock, in a stroller, in the baby carrier, and try to let her cry to the point of exhaustion (I only did this for one day because it was torture for me), but there seemed was no way to make her sleep and for hours at a time! For a year and a half, my partner and I seemed to have tried everything until, I am sure just like you, we were on the edge of despair, tired and frustrated. We kept looking and looking for what to do to help our baby sleep until finally, I found a Sleep Coach. She guided me and took step by step on how to teach my little girl to sleep. By following the coach’s advice my daughter began to sleep better from the first few nights! It was not an easy journey; it took my entire disposition to make this work. There were difficulties, but we kept following and perfecting the techniques, and after two weeks my daughter started sleeping all night, without waking up, without complaining, and started taking naps at the same time.
I was the happiest mom in the world and felt like I was born again when I began to sleep 8-10 hours a night again. When this happened, I promised myself to learn how to teach babies to sleep so that no mom or dad would have to go through what we did.
Due to sleep deprivation, there are times that I do not remember my baby daughter, and it makes me sad. However, if it were not for this hard experience, there would be many families who would be in the same situation. Today I am proud to be a Sleep Coach and to help many, many families around the world to sleep better. I love to see the happy faces of babies and children starting to sleep well.
I would like to help you!
Liliana Amaro's Philosophy
My philosophy is based on gentle techniques, and my methodology is based on parenting logic. I combine knowledge from many different studies, and cases, and my own expertise. I don’t use the controlled crying or the crying-it-out method. I’m here to help and make your life better.
I offer personalized services and courses that are tailored to get your baby sleeping through the night, and increase baby bonding and attachment, with the goal of giving you the balanced lifestyle you seek while raising your little one.
Throughout the sleep consultations, I analyze baby sleep problems, look at the sleep cycles, and sleep patterns that your baby is currently having and find a way to improve them by creating a sleep routine suitable for your child and your family.
Sleep is incredibly important for human growth and development, particularly for very young children and babies that commonly have growth spurts while they sleep. Therefore, it’s essential that your babies get plenty of rest! Besides, the more sleep your children have, the better your night’s sleep will be too.
I want to give Mums and Dads the opportunity to enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep because we all know how terrible it can be to feel exhausted every day.
Give it a try, there is nothing to lose, but a lot to learn and gain! (Contact us by clicking here).
In March 2015, I attained my certification as a Registered and Accredited Sleep Consultant and have learned a lot about various methods and techniques, so that I could help you to overcome your sleepless nights.
My skills include advice on how to stop using the pacifier, achieve early bedtime, full night’s sleep, stop visiting the parent’s bed, and naps. I work with twins and several kids at the same time.
Some of my skills as a sleep consultant include advice on how to stop the use of the pacifier, achieve early bedtime, full night’s sleep, stop visiting the parent’s bed, naps, and of course, I can work with twins and several kids at the same time.
If you happen to be experiencing any of these, please feel free to contact me for a free initial consultation. Remember there’s nothing to lose and so much to gain!
Write to me: liliana@sleepbaby.expert
As a mother, I have experienced and understood that breastfeeding on demand and good sleep habits are the key to a healthy, happy child, and there is no need to suffer sleep deprivation.
Since the beginning of my journey as a Sleep Consultant I have completed the following certifications and courses:
Member of the International Association of Sleep Consultants http://www.internationalsleep.org/find-a-consultant/
Safe Sleep by SIDS and KIDS Queensland Government.
Developing Good Bed Routines by Triple P Positive Parenting Program. Australia
Lactation Consultant by Edulacta-Spain.
Infant Massage Instructor by Baby in Mind Australia.
Baby Signing Instructor by Nimbé Aprendizaje.
Member of ASPSC
Click here to read: The 6 Most Popular Questions About Liliana’s Methodology
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