Testimonials-Sleep Coach-What the families have to say
Our Testimonials are a collection of positive reviews from, past and current satisfied clients around the world. We focus on the needs and work towards the families Sleep expectations with a realistic approach. Every comment to Zzleep My Baby is appreciated and help us to spread the word about our services and also improve our Sleep Coaching Service.
Your investment will have the best return, We want you to sleep well.
We are doing really well! The day we spoke over the phone at night he slept perfectly only that he got up a little earlier than normal, at 6:30, on Wednesday night he woke up at about 1am and started crying but we applied what you taught us to wait the 10 minutes and a little while he was quiet and so on until he fell asleep alone in 20 min. And last night we didn't even hear him, he slept straight until 7:30. Today I was a little nervous because in the afternoon she slept 2 hrs. but well it took 10 min more to sleep, Thanks so much Liliana our life has changed!……………Ana- July 2023
Hi Liliana! Sorry for the delay, we’ve been in transit and just arrived in London. Hazel is doing really well, she has a bit of a cold lately, but she still slept through the night one last week, she’s only waking up once a night for a super quick feed and back to sleep and is having 2-3 naps per day. Even on the plane she slept in the tiny bassinet and put herself to sleep. Thanks so much for your help, you really saved our sleep! …………….Leight May 2023