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Sleep Baby Expert is a consultancy created to guide and coach parents on the journey of sleep, creating an enjoyable lifestyle while raising children. Good sleep is equal to a happy family.

Creating a Healthy Sleep Routine for Your Little One

Sleep News, Tips, discounts and trends.

Tips to Sleep a Baby is what we are all about, in this section, you will find many topics, subjects, scenarios all based in a Sleep Coach experience working on every day’s consultations and queries from families around the world. If you can not find the specific topic we invite you to contact us and ask us about it. We also have many videos on our Youtube channel. We also have a mailing list if you wish to be in contact with us. Sleeping a Baby is easier than you expected when you have the right techniques.

Creating a Healthy Sleep Routine for Your Little One

Liliana Amaro

Please find this very Interesting Blog in where we have contribute for My

Manage the situation if they wake up:

“If a baby has been nursed or rocked to sleep at bedtime since birth, it's not surprising that they wouldn't know how to fall asleep independently. The good news is that many babies can figure out how to get back to sleep within just a few minutes of waking up in the night! If your child continues to fuss or cry for more than a few minutes, you'll want to go in and offer some comfort, but it's important to let your child do the work of falling back to sleep. You can speak softly to your child and do some gentle rubbing or patting, but you should avoid picking your child up and rocking or nursing back to sleep.”

By teaching your child to fall back to sleep on their own, you can better set them up for an ongoing, healthy sleep schedule”

Here the link to read the full blog: